Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Revert Again...

Spring reverts to winter once again....
Woke up to snow again this morning. Not really accumulating here in the valley, but it looks like the mountains are being treated to another good dose of fresh white frosting. I love the snow more than most people, but am slightly aggravated by it today because Matt is driving up from college today. The only thing I dislike about him going to school in Durango, CO is that when the weather is bad I worry about his 7-8 hour drive through desolate desert and over mountain passes. And of course the weather is frequently bad at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break so I often get a little worrying in. Heck, his first year of school classes were canceled the week after Christmas break because nobody could get to Durango... all the passes into town were closed. We've learned to watch the weather and pick travel days accordingly, although today he has no choice because he has his last final this morning and an appointment here in Salt Lake tonight. But who really expects to have to worry about him driving over Soldier Summit in a snowstorm the last week of April??

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