Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Shotski Time!

Here's a little camping fun and games..

When you are camping with a bunch of skiers that is.

The "Shotski".

This is a special custom shotski. 2 skis attached together with wing nuts in Snowbird colors. Attached to the skis are 8 beautiful handthrown ceramic shotglasses, made by my friend Susan. Susan orchestrated the perfect shot ski... everyone is lined up my height, so nobody gets a shot shower. (Being a short gal between 2 tall men is dangerous.) Everyone pours the beverage of their choice, on command the shotski is raised in salute, then tipped. Yummy and warm in the tummy.

Funny, I'm not much of a shot drinker, I'd usually much rather sip and savor my favorite beverages... but who can resist the Shotski?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Coolest mom ever.