Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas in Paris

If your son is studying abroad and living in Paris, how else can the family be together for the holidays? The sacrifices we make for our children! Sarah and I arrived this morning, and considering the global winter weather, widespread reports of airline delays, departing Salt Lake in a snowstorm, landing in Cincinnati in a snowstorm, it was surprising we were only about an hour late arriving in Paris. After fumbling our way through Charles de Gaulle airport and out to our shuttle, we arrived at Matt's place. We were greeted by 2 sleepy young men who had stayed out way too late last night. Matt's room mate at Ft. Lewis is also here for Christmas, so they have been out doing Paris partying. They were as tired as we were jet lagged, so after a quick trip to the market for cheese, baguettes, and, well, toilet paper(I don't think Matt was too concerned about preparing for our arrival LOL), we all took a nap and then headed off to the Christmas market at the Champs-Élysées... Sadly it was raining, not snowing, but it was beautiful and festive none the less. Adorable little shops unlike anything I've seen in the states, cheeses, dried fruit, piles of chocolate, bakeries and mulled wine sellers(yum!).

I'm a little too jet lagged to want to write much so I'll let my pictures speak. Not my best photographic effort as it was hard to take the time to get the perfect shots and mess with camera settings in the rain while trying not to lose the kids and not make Matt too embarrassed that his mom was (gasp) playing tourist!

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