Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A morning smile....

Flashback to my childhood....
When I was a kid my my family moved away from my grandparents, so the bulk of our vacations meant traveling by car from the midwest back to Long Island, or after Grandma moved, down to Florida. Anyone else have those sort of vacations? Four kids piled in the back of a great big station wagon, often with the seats folded down so we could play board games... seat belts?, what seat belts?...our parents trying to keep us amused so we kids don't kill each other or cause our parents to go homicidal? We played a lot of those "what can you see out the car window" games, like the alphabet game and the license plate game. Remember how hard it was to find a "J" or a a "Z", or license plates from far off states? I still kind of like playing those games, and of course I played them with my kids, although I have to say they are not nearly as exciting while travelling through rural Utah; sometimes it's a long way between signs and license plates!

This morning while I was driving into work I followed a car with a a license plate I didn't recognize. As I approached a stop light where I could get a better a look I saw that the plate was decorated with a nice big rainbow... it was the license plate of Hawaii, the Aloha state. What a find!!! Too bad I didn't have my license plate list in hand... as a kid that would have been such a most excellent siting, a real game winner. It really gave me a morning smile!


Anonymous said...

Slug bug is always a good one too.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my poor grandparents made a risky decision. They took my younger sister, my 2 girl cousins and me somewhere (can't remember but it seemed really far) and we sang a really obnoxious song all the way. An alphabet song. Finally, grandma had had enough and got this really ugly look on her face and actually raised her voice.
We still laugh about it when we get together with our cousins and usually treat everyone around us with the song.

aimeee said...

I am a fan of cross country road trips. Last year we drove our kids from here to Tennessee. 27 hours and alot of games and alot of movies (i know i cheated) and a week in TN and the return trip. I would highly recomend it.
Your blog made me smile.

donnalyn said...

I remember sleeping seemed the fastest way to make the time pass...but the games were fun. When I'm depressed I still think sleeping makes the time pass the fastest.
Sis Donna