Sunday, September 19, 2010

The alone life...

Life as an empty nester continues. Luckily, I have lots of interests and hobbies and friends, so it's not so bad. This week was a good one... I've been taking a pottery class so I go in to practice during open studio. Monday tends to be "ladies night" (with an occasional guy) at the pottery studio and is always a nice time. Hump day was at the comedy club with the singles group, where one of the guys in the group actually tried his hand during open mic. I went to the state fair Friday night, I took my camera as my date, and we had fun together (more on this later). Saturday night was the "Shot Glass Social" with the pottery people. I joined in the shot glass exchange, was thrilled that mine were not the last glasses picked and was glad they let us newbies play. Today Daisy and I headed up the canyon for a nice 4 mile hike (with ~2000 ft of elevation gain!). My motto - It's always a good day when you've worn out the dog. So being alone really isn't so bad.

Becoming single 3 years ago after 23 years of marriage certainly gave me a new perspective on being alone, it has been a learning experience. Links to this video about being alone have been making the internet rounds, and I think it is one worth sharing. I can sure relate to this video. I find it interesting how many of the "alone" things in the video I have done in the last three years. I sure hope this means I'm on the right path. I've certainly learned to enjoy doing many things by myself. I suspect that even if you are not "alone" you'll like this video.

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