Friday, May 18, 2007

Coincidences again

As you may know I am fascinated with coincidences, and and equally amazed at how this web of a world intertwines. I had another cosmic moment the other day, an unexpected intersection of my nerd world, my gardening world and my glass world.

I went shopping to purchase bedding plants for my front garden and deck planters. I prefer to buy my plants at the growers; I love to browse fragrant greenhouses bursting with color! As I was walking through the green house I saw two women that looked vaguely familiar. I'm sure I stared at them, and when we bumped into each other the second time I was sure they were staring at me. So we did the "where do I know you from?" routine. One woman asked me "Do you do glass?" Which of course I do, and we realized we met a while back at the Western Art glass store. Small world. That left woman number two. "Where do you work?" she asked. I said "the university". and they both said "so do we". To make a long story short it turns out we all worked in the Human Genetics department more than 11 years ago, two of us in labs, and the third in the administrative office, where she took care of my accounting. It's funny how I couldn't remember where I recognized them from, but as soon as we sorted that out my memories became absolutely crystal clear. Makes me want to look for the keys to unlock all the other forgotten memories that are rattling around my head!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was making a bereavement phone call the other day for hospice. The woman's name didn't sound at all familiar. The more we talked, we finally discovered I had interpreted for her son (deaf) at school for several years.
I love those kind of happenings.